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Should You Add Raw Footage to Your Wedding Videography Package? Here’s What to Consider | Voir Videos

Let’s start with the definition of Raw Footage. 

Raw Footage refers to unedited video or audio recordings captured during a filming or recording session. This footage is typically in its original, uncompressed format and has not been altered. Raw footage can be valuable for various reasons, such as providing additional footage for B-roll or allowing for more flexibility in the editing process. In videography, B-roll refers to supplemental or alternative footage that is intercut with the main footage to add context, and visual interest, or to cover any gaps or transitions in the story. B-roll footage can include shots of the wedding venue, decorations, guests, and other details that help to paint a more complete picture of the wedding day. The term “B-roll” comes from the days of film editing, where the primary footage was referred to as “A-roll” and the supplementary footage was called “B-roll”. Today, B-roll footage is often shot in high-definition video and can be a valuable addition to wedding videography packages as it adds depth and visual interest to the final wedding film. Raw footage and B-roll are related in that they are both supplemental footage that can be used to enhance the final wedding film. In other words, B-roll footage is a specific type of raw footage that is shot with the intention of being used as a supplemental footage in the final wedding film. 

At Voir Videos, we specialize in creating beautiful, cinematic wedding films that capture the essence of your day. When you book with us, you have the option of purchasing raw footage as an add-on service. While this may be an additional cost, it can be worth it if you plan to use the footage for future projects or want more control over the final product. Access to raw footage gives you more creative control over the final product. It allows you to edit the footage yourself or provide it to a professional editor to work with. By having access to the original footage, you can adjust the color grading, audio levels, and other elements, resulting in a more personalized and polished final product that perfectly captures the beauty and emotion of your day.   While this can be a valuable option, there may be better choices for some. Here are some reasons why you may not want to add raw footage to your wedding videography package: 

 1. Cost: 

Raw footage can be an additional cost, and it may not be financially feasible if you’re on a tight budget. Consider whether the benefits of having raw footage outweigh the additional cost. 

2. Technical Requirements: 

Raw footage requires specialized software and equipment, which may only be available to some. If you’re uncomfortable working with video editing software or don’t have the necessary equipment, you may not be able to use the raw footage. 

3. Time: 

Raw footage requires additional editing time and effort, which can burden some people. If you’re already stretched thin with wedding planning and other responsibilities, you may need more time to edit raw footage yourself or work with an editor to do so. 

4. Quality: 

Raw footage is unedited, meaning it may be of a different quality than the final product. It may include shaky footage, poor lighting, or other technical issues that can’t be corrected without editing. Raw footage may not be the best option if you’re looking for a polished, professional product. 

Ultimately, the decision to add raw footage to your wedding videography package depends on your individual needs and budget. When deciding whether to include raw footage, it’s important to carefully consider these factors. At Voir Videos, we understand that every bride has different preferences when it comes to their wedding videography package. Some may prefer to have raw footage included, while others may prefer a fully edited film without any raw footage. Regardless of your preference, our goal is to create a beautiful, cinematic masterpiece that tells your unique love story. We’re passionate about capturing every special moment of your wedding day and transforming it into a timeless work of art. Contact us today to learn more about our videography services and how we can help you create a Wedding Film where you and your partner are the main characters in your unique love story.

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